Smart surfaces to optimize space

World population is expected to double by 2050 and hence will induce a huge pressure on the housing and workplace markets in crowded cities. The prices will explode and push the population further from the city centers, expanding the cities sizes and lowering the quality of life, while worsening the environmental impact.

At MIROS Technology, we are building Smart and Adaptive Robotic Surfaces to optimize existing infrastructure to make it multi-functional. Our first line of products, called EvoWork, features units that can unfold from the wall to create an optimized and technology-packed workstation as well as a meeting table dropping down from the ceiling. This solution allows to optimize up to 40% of the workplace while increasing the comfort and quality of the workplace. The next obvious step is to build upon this technology to reconfigure houses and optimize them as well.

Creating smart and adaptive spaces also allows us to make these artificial environments interactive. It not only replace currently existing spaces but also enhance them – bridging real and virtual worlds, allowing to control computers, machines and to communicate among humans thanks to it.

The vision brings MIROS further as a complete framework around humans to bring imagination closer to the actual experience users could reach.

Why is our technology important?

The current solution for overcoming a growing population relies on expanding cities, spreading infrastructures across a larger surface, creating problems with transportation systems, networks and lowering the quality of life of the people, moving them away from basic human activities, logistically and socially.

We will optimize the current usage of any living or working spaces, blurring the lines between personal offices, meeting rooms, and even living rooms.



